Cheers for twenty-three years!
Big thank you to all who participated in our hybrid long-term trivia in chat and on Facebook! That seemed to work really well, we might actually keep that going at some point. Stay tuned....
But now for the scores!! Keith got off to a strong start on the in-chat questions. Goose started giving him a run for his money on the Facebook questions, but in the end, Keith was able to hang on and take the win for RPs! Navi, on the other hand, had us rolling on almost every single Facebook question! She is the winner of the SPs. Scores are as follows:
Keith - 13
Goose - 11
Michiel - 3
Buck Murray - 3
Ayanna - 2
Katrina - 1
Deanna - 1
Jeremy - 1
Arwen - 1
Steph - 1
Brent - 1
Navi - 18
Hobbie - 15
Goose - 13
Shellie - 12
Ayanna - 11
Michiel - 10
Katrina - 7
Buck Murray - 7
Chrissy - 7
Tanya - 6
Jeremy - 5
Keith - 3
Greedo - 2
Syfy Guy - 2
Lzrman - 1
Deanna - 1
Max - 1
Jade Dagger - 1
JJ (we think) - 1
Beth - 1
Aaron - 1
Mela - 1
Special points
Rude: Keith
Conspiracy Theory: Ray
Oddly Specific yet kinda gross: Navi
Spookyfish: Goose (2), Ayanna (1), Greedo (1)
MURICA: Shellie
Heartstrings: Shellie
Wikipedia: Michiel
Tom Selleck: Goose
WTF: Navi
Excellent: Shellie
Almost: Navi
Spam: Goose
Again, big thanks to all who participated, and congrats to our winners, Keith and Navi! See you next year!!
CL7 Tyler 'Brent' Shadow